Motivated. Focused. Healthy. Fit. Confident.

Hey there!


Read my story  ➝

A life well lived.  A soul set on fire. That is my goal.

As an ISSA certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, and a Transformational Life Coach.  I understand that improving your wellness and mindset can be challenging.

My driver is to help you overcome hurdles to reach your goals and for the process to be so revealing for you, to become who you are capable of, that it sets your soul on fire with excitement and ambition to want to achieve more.

I believe we are all capable of more then we ever thought possible and I aim to help you see more of what you are capable of!

I understand that adapting new wellness and mindset habits is difficult and often times fails. My passion is to change your view, so that it becomes a part of who you are.

"This has changed how I feel about myself and I don’t ever want to stop the momentum. I’m in control now and disciplined to workout, eat healthy and drink my water."

Jan B


"Before, I was lost, alone, and unhealthy- emotionally eating and drinking WAY TOO MUCH!!!  After joining, surrounded by a loving community, I am no longer alone, and I am the healthiest I've ever been both inside and out and I am 2.5 yrs sober!"



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Set Your Soul On FIRE.

Resources for every stage of wellness and  self-discovery.

Transformative Life Coaching

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Online Tools for Fitness, Nutrition, and Mindset

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Accountability Community

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It’s about the journey, not the destination...BUT

You still need to have an idea of where you want to go. Stick around if you want to grow, get intentional about our life and find more joy in the process.