Healthy Snacks to get you through the busy seasons Aug 27, 2024

In my house, we are in the middle of busy season with sports and training programs.  This means I have to think ahead more to be prepared when hunger strikes, and I am sitting in game #2 of...

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Aug 20, 2024

Coming off a series of trips and crazy weeks, my body has reminded me why good nutrition is so important even when we are not trying to lose weight.  (Something I know but  suffer the...

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Why is the Bible is a part of my fitness journey? Jul 18, 2024
The bible is our weapon in our fitness journey. It is the Sword of the Spirit.
Take a look at my latest YouTube video this week and give me...
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Our fitness struggles are just as much spiritual struggles as they are physical. Jul 02, 2024

I'm going to tell you something you maybe never thought about before. 

Putting on the Full Armor of God should also be applied to our fitness. Yep that's what I said.

Our fitness...

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🧐How do you look in 10 years??👀 Jun 19, 2024
Close your eyes and think about how your health looks 10 years from now…if you keep doing what you are doing?
Are you good? Do you have energy? Are you doing all the things you love...
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What is the cost of your "Because"? Apr 22, 2024

That reason you gave for why you didn't follow through...It's also what you gave your power to. We are just so committed to our reasons that we lie to ourselves and don't call them...

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Creating a different view for tomorrow. Oct 02, 2023

You can not give what you do not have-John Maxwell

Really sit with that for just a minute.  How can you give love if you don’t love yourself. How can you add value to others if you are...

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